The Persistence of Memory 1931 Salvador Dali |
Neck ties, “satisfy modern man’s desire to dress in art,” American magician and actor Harry Andersen
Art – art neckties; what fun. It is the emotions that we draw from artworks that make us enjoy them. After painting a Campbell’s soup can, Andy Warhol said that “anything could be sold as art,” so why not a necktie? After all for a man, beyond sophistication, wearing a necktie is a form of artistic expression. Then if a necktie actually is an art tie, the statement by Harry Andersen takes on a great weight.
Salvador Dali |
Salvador Dali stunned the art world by creating neckties that were actual reproductions of his original art works called “Dali Ties.” Born in Spain in 1904 his works display a vivid passion of abstract and obscure subjects and vistas. His art was unique, both in style and manner, often in a display of color that seemed to cast a spell at first sight. He wanted his art to be appreciated by everyone, not just wealthy people who could afford his paintings and lithographs in posh galleries so neck wear was the perfect venue. It may have been the prelude to what became a marketing gold mine in branded apparel. Dali's art work on ties advertised his creativity to the world profoundly at eye level worn by the man on the street just like Nike and other sports apparel or "chic" apparel like Tommy Hilfiger realize the same benefit for branded apparel today. Dali’s surrealism fine art ties could be purchased in men’s boutiques along Manhattan’s 5th Avenue and much of the world while his “art” hung in prestigious art galleries and the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. It was sheer genius.
Visit the Salvador Dali Museum
Dali Ties |
In more recent times, Peter Max created art necktie collections of his colorful motifs in his trademark psychedelic 60’s style. He oversaw every detail of the line commanding and approving the designs, colors, fabrication, and even the fabric which was finest Italian silk available. He was completely thorough in this down to the point of purchase where he had to approve which retailers could offer his art neckties, and at what price - being thoughtful to protect the neckwear’s value, his name and his art. Environmentalist and artist Christian Lassen who lives in Hawaii licensed his illustrations to Ralph Marlin which created art ties with a very unique look at sea life, dolphins and underwater scenes. The trend had given way to another nature theme,
Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh
Van Gogh Fine Art Tie Starry Night |
Endangered Species neckties naturally became collector items instantly. They were produced in silk with the care of fine apparel craftsmen illustrating a conservation movement that was attractive enticing some men to wear only that necktie as if a man were to adorn only Armani. However, not what one would consider high fashion, none-the-less, it was an absolute signature in dress. The collection of wildlife themed neckties by Wemco, and later Randa illustrated wildlife in great detailed art works by the Greenwich Workshop that were produced in limited editions as if they were lithograph prints.
Claude Monet Fine Art Tie
Gustav Klimt Fine Art Necktie |
There are "master artist” collections; Van Gogh, Monet, Lautrec, D’Vinci, Picasso, Fornasetti, Erte, and even an artist that had hardly become of age prior to his death Kieth Harring; all following the path of Dali. Most of these neckties are cut and sewn in limited productions enhancing their value just like a lithograph or numbered and signed print. Before his death and even more popular after, as usual with art, the famed rock and roller Jerry Garcia, an accomplished artist as well as musician had his work transformed into artist neckties first by Stonehenge, then Mulberry and now with an even greater display of color and form by Van Heusen – Superba. Affectionately called, Jerry Garcia “Art in Neck wear,” rebels who would not usually wear at tie could show their spirit, and professionals who dared to be non conservative, became hooked. The designs were wonderful transformations of Garcia’s art that were numbered in edition by collection and bared the name of the original artwork. It is no wonder even after his death his neck wear continues to be a driving force in men’s fashion. A true artist’s work will never die.
Van Gogh Fine Art Necktie |
Salvador Dali Art Necktie |
The commercial approach to this fashion accessory is twofold; Usually adapting art by the masters or "dead artists" traditional necktie manufacturing by either silk screening or dye supplementation illustrates fine art masterpieces on ties produced in quantity, and “living artists” art neckties individually created one at a time – often hand painted as one of kind wearable art works.
The traditional method: Masterpiece art as actual reproductions into fine art necktie
s (like lithographs or poster art ) by Van Gogh, Lautrec, Monet, Klimt, D’Vinci and other masters have been produced for over twenty years by Ralph Marlin into a timeless collection of art gallery neck wear in both poly and silk. Fine art tie collections illustrating modern master artists like Picasso and Erte that command royalties and licensing were very successful produced in limited editions. In Paris, Axios creates a similar impressionism art tie collection in silk including Chagall, and Cezanne which at first were only available in Paris making them a real sought after item beyond the usual tourist souvenir.
The non traditional method: This method has been around for a while and pre-dates modern necktie manufacturing. Unique and original art produced on neckties just as actual art is created had been quite popular affording individual and custom fashion ties. In the 1930's a retail company called Besley’s with three retail stores in downtown Chicago, made its reputation by importing hundreds of yards of printed Italian silk, then making ties, pocket squares and jacket linings for loyal customers who wouldn't buy a suit without first making sure they had a Besley’s tie to match! Robert Daskal bought the original Besleys in the early 1980's. The company had always maintained the capability of hand painting silk, as they produced many in the 30's and 40's when hand painted silk neck wear was extremely popular. In 1988 Daskal was prompted to create a line on hand painted neck wear by a leading retailer. Soon he was creating 4 new collections of hand painted neckties a year for stores like Marshall Fields, Nordstrom, Saks and Neiman Marcus. Original art ties, silk screened, airbrushed, acrylic, oils, pen and ink neckties at county fairs and art fairs all equate the same desire; a true form of fashion expression.
Hand Painted Art Neckties by Robert Daskal |
Further Examples of hand painted art tie collections can be seen at
Robert Daskal Hand Painted Silk Ties Silk From The Hartz Art & Soul Hand Painted Neckties
A popular trend yes, however this is not an original fashion concept, art on apparel is an old fashion enterprise that has evolved into a great form of expression. Fashion is a direct influence of art and the reflection of styles that relate all of us. A man wearing a tie illustrating a priceless artwork is certainly a show of personality, character and style. A recent purchase at Nice Tie Store www.nicetiestore.com for a wedding, “a blue tie, but not just blue – Starry Nights and silk please,” the groom’s desire to “rule bend” the traditional formal solid color satin silk tie. And then the is dual form of expression and suggestion, the art gallery consultant who wears a Van Gogh Starry Nights or Money Water Lilies necktie so he can sell more art but he also keeps ordering more for his clients as gifts or perks to up-sell another painting or print. Looking distinguished and at the same time advertising art has great advantages for a man trying to be a salesman and an art consultant at the same time.
In 2009, despite the cautious manner of retail and apparel in the recession, a rather odd thing that happened on the fashion world and neckties which was carefully crafted by Christian Aguilar a marketing wizard. Clothing, sunglasses, sneakers and ties of course illustrating tattoo art by San Francisco artist Ed Hardy became very popular proving that although there was a recession a fresh idea could still spark interest and profit. The success of this line of neck wear proves art neckties are as popular as ever
Mona Lisa Smile |
Several years ago I designed ties for a popular restaurant in San Francisco called the Mona Lisa on Columbus. You guessed it, the waiters and waitresses wear a Mona Lisa tie including a Christmas version of Leonardo D’Vinci’s popular smiling Mona. The painting by D’Vinci is perhaps the greatest painting ever and certainly the most appreciated, world over. Of course they sell the Mona Lisa neckties too, as a souvenir, or more likely than not, as a collector item. Thanks to the innovations of necktie designers and especially to Salvador Dali, art is now something that can be collected as a necktie or in a frame.
A post on our blog
The Genius of Piero Fornasetti Art Necktie Post
Salvado Dali Art Gallery
Check out our recent post Mona Lisa ties
Salvador Dali ties at Collections at Kollectors of Nasty Old Ties (K.N.O.T.) - for enthusiasts of vintage neckwear.
Salvador Dali on Wikipedia
Visit Nice Tie Store to view our fine art necktie collection
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