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The reproduction of neckties and twenty dollar bills |
I found this on the Internet many years ago. Since then we have conducted similar experiments with twenty dollar bills with no success. We are still working at it.
Regarding the reproduction of ties or more precisely the production of them, we could not effectively manage to yield any tie off spring despite our best efforts. A friend joked that quite possibly the male neckties were using condoms.
We also unsuccessfully experimented with cultivating neckties or as Dr. Foulard describes them Strangulus P. In make shift greenhouses, or in the backyard no Strangulus P. grew on trees - very similar to the age old myth - money doesn't grow on trees. As well we tried to cultivate twenty dollar bills without any success despite the use of grafting and or the use of fertilization.
I think you’ll like this - the sex life of ties. If you love ties like I love ties - this is fairly funny. Jeffrey Hunter
Here it is, "The Sex Life of Neckties - Strangulus Polyestrus"
Dr. Horace P. Foulard-Kravatz, Ph.D.
It has been observed for some time that Strangulus Polyestrus has a reproductive cycle closely related to their storage environment, but until now, this behavior has never been documented.
For the initial phase of this study, four groups of 20 Strangulus P. were used. The first was a control group, hung neatly on a tie rack in an open room. Over the course of six months, no reproductive behavior was observed.
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A stork and a new born necktie |
The fourth and final group of 20 Strangulus P. was assembled at the request of a colleague who insisted that the best place. For-breeding Strangula was the back seat of a car. This method did prove to be the most productive attempt, although it initially got off to a slow start. At the beginning of the experiment, the dormant Strangula were simply laid neatly across the back seat of the car. No reproductive behavior was observed until they were eventually swept aside to make room for passengers, and ultimately kicked under the driver’s and passenger’s side seats, at which point they not only began to produce at an astonishing, if not outright whorish rate, but also began to display significant signs of territorial belligerence, often attacking the feet and hands of observing scientists. Again, the overwhelming majority of the offspring belonged to the Gaudy sub-species.
This preponderance of Strangulus Polyestrus Gaudy, and a need to waste the remainder of a significant federal grant to ensure continued funding, prompted additional research to contrast and compare the reproductive cycle of Gaudy to the other major sub-species of Strangulus P.: Spotted and Drab . For this phase, 20 adult Strangula of each sub-species were shoved hurriedly into drawers which were subsequently sealed for a period of two months.
After two months, the Drab specimens were still languorously indulging in foreplay, which seemed to consist mainly of estimating one’s net worth and making trite and insincere comments about other Strangula ‘s texture, color, or cooking ability. The Spotted specimens were crusting up nicely and had begun to exude a weird, but not altogether nauseating, odor. The Gaudy specimens, on the other hand, were not only procreating at a scandalous rate, but had established a crude transmission device and were broadcasting talk shows with themes along the lines of “Ketchup: Aphrodisiac or Communist Menace’, and “Women Who Love Piet Mondrians and the Men Who Wear Them”.
It was at this time that the study was dropped abruptly due to intervention from the Dean of the University, who guaranteed tenure only if the damn report would be published already.
Visit Nice Tie Store for really cool neckties
Copyright Andy Peed
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