Friday, April 29, 2011

Who Would Wear a Tie With Tiger On It

Bengal Tiger
Endangered Species Wildlife Collector Ties 

Express your love for nature wearing Endangered Species wildlife neckties. Have you ever wanted to wear a necktie with a tiger or an elephant illustrated on it for fun or for a special party or event? Maybe you are going on safari or your girlfriend loves panda bears, and you want to be an extra special guy dressed to the occasion wearing a wildlife tie. Endangered Species silk ties are perfect gifts for the wildlife enthusiast.

Elephant Herd In The Wild
If you are a naturalist then you’ll want at least one of these wildlife neckties for your wardrobe. Wildlife ties by Endangered Species are the most beautiful silk ties made illustrating animals. African, Asian, North American wildlife and ocean sea life are only part of this collection of conversation neckties fashioned from fine art work illustrations.

This neck wear was first registered in 1976 with the idea of giving back revenue to support wildlife projects protecting endangered species. A percentage of the original cost of production of this tie was donated to worthy projects and organizations, like Project Tiger in India that protects the fragile majesty of the animal kingdom across the Indian sub continent. After a little more than twenty years these ties are no longer made - making them collector items.

Serengeti Lion
Launched in April 1973, India's Project Tiger is the greatest success of tiger and wildlife conservation. The result of hunting, the Royal Bengal Tiger population was at an alarming level of only 1,827 in 1972; compared to estimates of 40,000 at the turn of 20th century. Many Tiger reserves were set up across the sub continent, the most famous being Corbett and Ranthambore. Located in Rajasthan, Ranthambore comprises over 400 square miles that includes the Ranthambore Fort built in the 10th Century. Now, that fort still as foreboding and majestic as it was a millennium ago is home to monkeys and other wildlife. The reserve provides sanctuary for more than 200 species of bird life, 30 species of mammals including Bengal Tigers, Elephants and 12 reptile species. It was the first of nine reserves to become part of Project Tiger. In 2005 26 tigers were known to exist in the park.

American Bald Eagle
Just like nature conservation programs across the world in the Serengeti, in the Oceans, the North American efforts so save the American Bald Eagle, among others - India has achieved great success with their conservation work preserving wildlife for future generations.

Click this link to see our collection of Endangered Species Ties.

Earth’s Endangered Species

Endangered Wildlife

Endangered Species at Wikipedia, the encyclopedia on line

Leopard Endangered Species Tie
Elephant Wild Life Necktie

Monday, April 25, 2011

Bryce's Pet Peeve - Wearing Ties

The Jonas Brothers at the 2009 Grammy's - showing some old fashioned
repect wearing neckties
Bryce's Pet Peeve - Wearing Ties

I found this article while surfing the Web a few days ago. An expert in business methods and habits that also applies to managing life, especially for a business person - he explains that wearing ties is all about showing respect; if for only your self respect.  The extra care you take in your attire by wearing a tie really says something about your character, and personal style. 

Are neckties really such a big deal?  The next time you visit your bank just imagine giving your hard earned cash to a teller wearing a T shirt.  That would hardly make you comfortable.  Wearing ties and dressing up when going out at night to dinner will make a big difference on how you are recieved.  The maitre d' will certainly approach you with great regard.  The same goes for just about any other meeting or engagement you may have that is of special interest to you.  

This article by Tim Bryce is quite refreshing and is an interesting look at what neckties really mean to society.   Some highlights are posted here – with a link to read the entire article.  He is quite an authority on business with world wide recognition as a consultant, product developer, and as a prolific author.  You will want to check out his web site, if only for his seemimgly endless list of qoutes and commentaries which he calls Bryce's Laws well worth the visit  - Jeffrey Hunter

The following "Bryce's Pet Peeve of the Week" is derived from this week's MANAGEMENT VISIONS Internet broadcast/podcast.

By Tim Bryce- 7/7/2008


The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article on the decline of men wearing dress ties to work. They quoted a Gallup Poll that said the number of men who wear ties every day to work last year dropped to a record low of 6%. I'm not sure I agree with this number but there is no doubt ties have greatly diminished in the business world. I still put one on when I'm dealing with a customer and I do so as a sign of respect for the other party. Today it seems the only people who wear ties are politicians, newscasters, attorneys, doctors, and corporate executives, all of which do so as a sign of authority. And maybe they're right.

Historically, learning to tie a tie marked a young man's passage to manhood. But I don't think there are a lot of men in the workforce who know how to tie a tie anymore, which I consider a little strange. Most newscasters know how to properly tie a tie, as do attorneys……..

The tie used to be the perfect present for holidays such as Father's Day or Christmas, but most of the time we got a tie we wouldn't be caught dead in. This resulted in closets full of ties we never threw away in fear we might offend someone……..

Now I know a lot of young men will read this and still be adamantly opposed to wearing ties but as I said earlier, it is a sign of respect. If this is of no interest to you, I'm sure you'll continue to wear whatever you want, but for those of you who are interested in making a positive and professional impression, perhaps it’s time to go into the closet and pull out a couple of ties.

Such is my Pet Peeve of the Week.

Read the Complete article by Tim Bryce

Note: All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Tim Bryce is the Managing Director of M. Bryce & Associates (MBA) of Palm Harbor, Florida and has over 30 years of experience in the field. He can be reached at

For a listing of Tim's Pet Peeves, click here

"If there is anything constant in life, it is change." - Bryce's Law
join his Face Book Page

Tim graduated from Ohio University in 1976 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Communications (BSC) from OU's College of Communications, School of Communication Studies (formerly School of Interpersonal Communications). Upon graduation, he joined MBA full time and served in a variety of capacities, including both sales and consulting. As Director, his responsibilities include product development, implementation, training and on-going support of all MBA customers on a worldwide basis. Because of this, he has traveled extensively providing training and consulting services at various levels of computer proficiency (novice to expert) on a variety of computer related subjects.

Copyright © 2008 by Tim Bryce. All rights reserved. "Author grants permission to Jeffrey Hunter to repost this article."Visit Tool Box - Knowlegde Sharing Communities

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wearing Neckties - Get the Advantage

A Man Flying Wearing A Tie

If you have any doubts that wearing neckties will give you an advantage in life you better look again at this photograph.  When I wear ties I feel stronger and have much more confidence than when I am not wearing a tie.  Men wearing ties have a certain style about the way they handle them selves.  It's that debonair appearance that is hard to match.  I guess it makes men super.  Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound,  Look, up in the sky!  It's a bird!  It's a plane!  It's Superman!  Or maybe just a regular guy wearing a tie, possibly like the guy in the photo above, thanks to some skills using Photoshop.

As for the Man of Steel - Yes, it's Superman, strange visitor from another planet who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men. Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers, bend steel with his bare hands, and who, disguised as Clark Kent, a mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a never-ending battle for truth, justice and the American way.  You may want to read my last Post.   Super Superman Ties   I was born in the mid 50s and Superman was the bomb for me.  Maybe it was the adventurous stories of how a regular guy like Clark Kent who wore a suit and necktie could become a hero defeating villains.  Watching George Reeves tear off his tie and shirt to reveal his Shield before soaring into the heavens, was something that was a telivision ritual for me that I dared not miss. 

Now regarding the advantage factor about wearing ties is another issue that can be argued with great validity.  A Hot Rod Flame Tie for Hot Shot Guy  Checkout this true story about a guy who bought a tie from me ten years ago, making note of his comment just yesturday.  He not only got the job, he got the girl, married her, and started his own company because he wore that tie to a job interview the very next day.  I just cannot make this stuff up. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Super Superman Collector Ties

Superman Silk Necktie By Ralph Marlin
"Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive; and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound”

Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Superman. Superman was the defining point of the super hero action comic genre. In 1940 Macy's added Superman to their annual parade exclusive collection of cartoon characters - marking his popularity as an American comic book success. From as early as 1939 everything imaginable has had the Superman Shield illustrated on it making the shield ( “S” magenta and golden emblem ) a fashion symbol. From toys to T shirts to boxer shorts; some, becoming collector items like trading cards, early wooden and metal figures, and the Superman Shield silk necktie by Ralph Marlin. Superman neckties are official collector items as these super hero ties are no longer made.  The value of Superman as an apparel license is far reaching, as every kid in America for more than half a century grew up with this role model. The thought that he could be a superman if only to wear a T shirt with the Shield illustrated on it – with a certain such self assurance; surely all of his peers would take note. Superman ties are a natural. An ever lasting impression became realized when Clark Kent would tear his necktie and shirt off revealing his caped uniform and the Superman Shield, ready to save the day.

An American cultural icon, Superman, the world’s first comic book super hero was created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian-American artist Joe Shuster in 1932. At first Superman was visioned as a comic strip, however in 1938 Superman was published in the comic book format. They sold their super hero to Detective Comics in 1938, later called D.C. Comics. The character first appeared in a comic book called Action Comics the summer of 1938 and in 1939 under the name Superman. The success and wide popularity of Superman resulted in radio serials, television programs, films, newspaper comics, and video games.

Superman and Lois Lane
He was born on the planet Krypton.  His father sent him to Earth in rocket Ship by his father just before the destruction of Krypton. A farmer and his wife in Kansas he is named Clark Kent and raised with “heartland” moral values. Once discovering his super hero strength he adopts a quest to serve the good of mankind. He can fly defying gravity; his x-ray vision allows him to see through walls, and other super abilities including super strength, making him invulnerable. Only green Kryptonite makes him weak with lead being the only thing that can shield him from its harmful radioactivity.

He works inconspicuously as a newspaper reporter, for the Daily Planet, with fellow reporter Lois Lane who becomes his romantic counter-part as both Superman and Clark Kent. The paper’s photographer, Jimmy Olsen becomes Kent’s friend and along with Lois they both are entwined in plots of good against evil scenarios that include Superman rescuing them. To conceal his real identity Clark Kent must somehow mysteriously become absent so he can become Superman. The transformation is accomplished by privately - removing his suit, shirt and necktie often in telephone booth, revealing his bright red, blue and yellow capped outfit with a big “S” shield emblazoned across his chest. Without haste he leaps into flight in order to defend freedom, justice and the American way.

Christopher Reeve as  Kent, mild mannered news reporter
After first appearing in newspaper comic strips from 1939 – 1966; and comic books, the adventurous stories were adapted and produced as two films in 1948 and 1950 starring Kirk Alvin as Superman. The television series began in 1952 starring George Reeves who starred in 104 episodes, ending in 1958, which aired well into the following decade. In 1966 a Broadway Musical, “it’s a bird…it’s a plane,’s Superman was short-lived - however was reproduced for television in 1975. Starting in 1966 through 1969 Superman was again on television as an animated cartoon series, and from 1973 through 1984 by Hanna Barbera Superman continued to become ever more popular. From 1988 – 1997 Superman had further television exposure with a four year Warner Brother production Superman the Animated Series that began in 1996.

George Reeves as Clark Kent
he had a secrete agenda  
A return to movie theaters in 1978, Christopher Reeve starred in Superman not only fueled interest that resulted in further movie productions of D.C. Comics Superman and also Batman. The success of Superman as full length feature films also benefited Marvel Comics which has had great success with Spiderman, Iron Man, the Hulk, and XMen, The 1978 release of Superman was followed by three sequels; Superman II in 1980, Superman III in 1983, and Superman IV – The Quest for Peace in 1987. An accident during a horse ridding event left Reeve seriously injured that resulted in him being paralyzed creating a void that would halt further big screen production until 2006 with Superman Begins, starring Brandon Routh. Production of Superman Man of Steel, starring Henry Cavlin as superman, Rusell Crowe and Kevin Costner released in the summer of 2013 is certainly the greatest Superman film ever.  Modern CGI special effects combined with unparalleled action directing and writing portray the origin of Superman.

Superman played by George Reeves - no less than fantastic
The character of Superman was to become the proving ground for many super hero themed stories in comic books, cartoons, television and film. His quest to over-come tyranny was a mythical tradition not unlike Hercules and Samson, making Superman a modern day cult legend. Through the heroic tales, Superman’s pure values and distinction were genuine. The ideal, always striving to achieve good against evil, has had a profound influence socially throughout the world. A young man growing up had his hero to look up to with the assurance that Superman would courageously save the day throughout so many fantastic adventures. Fiction, yes, none-the-less there is an overwhelming connection between Superman and the good in man – that desire to be a “superman” dynamically noble, a gallant hero, and unyielding bravery; surely an inspiration for all.

Everything you wanted to know about the man of steel

Superman Super Site

D.C. Comics Superman

Watch the Trailer Superman Man of Steel 

Check out our Superman Necktie - Up Close by Mark Abramhoff - Ralph Marlin

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Funny Necktie Photo

Another Photograph of Guys Having Fun Wearing Ties

These three guys are just hanging around on an office break.   

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sexy Necktie Design - Polka Dot Ties

Women influence men's tie design
Since before the turn of the 20th Century retailers had started to notice a trend in shopping that had a profound influence on the fashion design of men’s neckties. Since it was women that buying ties for their husbands; manufactures started producing ties that had flair - vibrant patterns and bold colors. Prior to this ties we more or less mundane in style and design, mostly striped and not in loud, regarding colors, or contrast. Appealing to their sence of color and style was a natural for the designers of neckties.

With this, the modern necktie was born regarding the use of color and design. Wearing sexy ties, if you may, soon became a fashion trend that lives on to this day. At first the British produced polka dot ties, and it was not long before paisley ties, abstract patterns, Art Deco designs, novelty themes and almost every creative possibility was explored as a design for men’s neckties.

Happy Face tie
So if you think women do not have any authority in what men wear and how just consider the fact that even men’s under ware is designed with women in mind. As for neckties men would still be wearing only striped ties. Just to think how boring that would be is enough to make a regular guy wear a Happy Face tie.

Polkadot Necktie

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Marilyn Monroe Sexy Ties

Marilyn Monroe, American Cultural Icon
Marilyn Monroe, American Cultural Icon 
You have to be a daring guy to wear a sexy Marilyn Monroe collector tie.
Official collector Marilyn Monroe ties are not so easy to wear as they command great attention. See our Hollywood tie collection They may be so overwhelming, that these ties should possibly come with a warning label and a disclaimer. Seriously, I know this first hand as not only do I sell these ties, I wear them also.  Once at a special night I was so daring to wear one of the sexy Marilyn Monroe ties at the Irvine Spectrum Center which is the epicenter of ultra conservative Orange County, ( see the Big Pink Marilyn Monroe Portrait Necktie below ). 

The event highlighted the introduction of Dave and Buster's during an open house, party for the grand opening of the 2nd phase of the center; which was growing from an entertainment center to a shopping mall - entertainment center.  Not too miss an opportunity to promote my kiosk Too Sexie Ties which had quickly become the most popular necktie outlet south of Los Angeles, I wore my lucky grey Hugo Boss suit, a light blue Geoffrey Beene shirt, and the hot pink Marilyn Monroe necktie by Mark Abramhoff at Ralph Marlin.  Man, I tell you - I was on fire that night. 
Her sex appeal translates in the illustrations of several designs, part of a collection of Hollywood movie star neckties that have become collector items as they are no longer made. These are not just any “run of the mill” novelty ties; they are not modest in any way, designed to provocative, creating emotion that will be quite an attraction. Wearing a Marilyn Monroe necktie will not fare very well if you are shy, that is certain. These official Marilyn Monroe collector items are for men who dare to be noticed.

Marilyn Monroe was born on June 1, 1926 named Norma Jeane Mortenson, but was baptized as Norma Jeane Baker. She grew up mostly in foster homes, a humble childhood that would precede a career as a model, actress, and singer to become an American cultural icon and the most popular female performer of the 20th Century worldwide.

Marilyn Monroe - sexy as could be
Marilyn Monroe - sexy as could be
Her first film contract was in 1946 and in 1953 she had a leading role in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and How to Marry a Millionaire, and also was the leading actress in 1955 Seven Year Itch. She started her own production company and received a David di Donatello award for The Prince and the Showgirl in 1957. In 1959 she was given a Golden Globe Award for best actress in Some Like It Hot.

In 1952 she graced the cover of Life Magazine which described her as the talk of Hollywood and in 1953 Hugh Hefner launched Play Boy Magazine with Monroe on the cover. She had become an American Sex Symbol which had strained her marriage to Joe DiMaggio, which lasted less than a year. The divorce from the ball player resulted from a media spectacle in which DiMaggio became infuriated at the shooting of the famed skirt blowing upward scene in Some Like It Hot. Her marriage to playwright Arthur Miller was tumultuous at times and ended in divorce after 4 years. She sung happy birthday in a very sexy manner to President John F. Kennedy on May 29, 1962, which seemed to suggest that there was something more to their relationship which was the subject of rumor. 

After her divorce from Miller she became withdrawn, and in 1961 entered a psychiatric clinic. She had been cast in a 20th Century Fox film, Something’s Got to Give but did not report according to the filming schedule and was dismissed.  High profile publicity ventures included an interview with Cosmopolitan, and photographed for Vogue shooting some nudes of which were published after her death.

Cover of Playboy Magazine
Cover of Playboy Magazine
At only 36 years old, on August 5th 1962, she was found dead of an overdose of sleeping pills – an apparent suicide. The New York Times Front Page eerily exclaimed, “Marilyn Monroe takes the pill and goes to sleep forever.”

Visit our on-line retail store to see our Marilyn Monroe necktie collection at

Check out this great Marilyn Monroe site with awesome picture galleries and quotes

The Ultimate Marilyn Monroe page at Squidoo

Happy Birthday Mr. President Video

Never Before Published Pictures of Marilyn Monroe - Life Magazine

Andy Warhol's Marilyn Monroe Prints

Marilyn Monroe on Wikipedia.         

Marilyn Monroe as beautiful
Marilyn Monroe as beautiful
as possible
Michelle Morgan's Marilyn Monroe biography

Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend

Diamonds Are a Girls Best Friend

Sexy Marilyn Monroe Ties
Sexy Marilyn Monroe Ties

Official Licensed Marilyn Monroe Collector Ties
Official Licensed Marilyn Monroe Collector Ties

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe
Some quotes about Marilyn Monroe from famous people
"It may sound peculiar to say so, because she is no longer with us, but we were very close. Once when we were doing that picture together, I got a call on the set: my younger daughter had had a fall. I ran home and the one person to call was Marilyn. She did an awful lot to boost things up for movies when everything was at a low state; they'll never be anyone like her for looks, for attitude, for all of it," Betty Grable

"She once got her life so balled up that the studio hired a full-time secretary maid for her. So Marilyn soon got the secretary as balled up as she was, and she ended up waiting on the secretary, instead of vice-verse," Jane Russell

"She represents to man something we all want in our unfulfilled dreams. She's the girl you'd like to double-cross your wife with. A man, he's got to be dead not to be excited by her,"  Jean Negulesco

"Marilyn Monroe's unique charisma was the force that caused distant men to think that if only a well-intention-ed, understanding person like me could have known her, she would have been all right. In death, it has caused women who before resented her frolicsome sexuality to join in the unspoken plea she leaves behind - the simple, noble wish to be taken seriously,"   Time magazine

"She will go on eternally,"   Jackie Kennedy Onassis

"She seemed to have a kind of unconscious glow about her physical self that was innocent, like a child. When she posed nude, it was 'Gee, I am kind of, you know, sort of dishy,' like she enjoyed it without being egotistical,"   Elizabeth Taylor

"She had such magnetism that if 15 men were in a room with her, each man would be convinced he was the one she'd be waiting for after the others left,"  Publicist Roy Craft

"It was impossible to think of Marilyn Monroe except as Cinderella,"   Diana Trilling

"Marilyn is a dreamy girl. She's the kind who's liable to show up with one red shoe and one black shoe,"   Jane Russell

"When you look at Marilyn on the screen, you don’t want anything bad to happen to her. You really care that she should be all right… happy,"    Natalie Wood

Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe

Noteworthy Marilyn Monroe Quotes

“Hollywood's a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss, and fifty cents for your soul. I know, because I turned down the first offer often enough and held out for the fifty cents.”

“What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No.5, of course,”  Marilyn Monroe to Sidney Skolsky, 1952

“It's like salt on a steak. All you need is a little bit of it,”  Marilyn Monroe on jealousy, 1952

“I don't mind this being a man's world-as long as I can be a woman in it.”

“I am trying to prove to myself that I am a person. Then maybe I'll convince myself that I am an actress.”

“I never quite understood it - this sex symbol-I always thought symbols were those things you clash together! That's the trouble, a sex symbol is a thing. But if I'm going to be the symbol of something, I'd rather have it sex than some other things they've got symbols of!”

“It isn't necessary to use your voice in any special way (to sound sexy). If you think something sexy the voice just naturally goes along. I've given pure sex appeal very little thought. If I had to think about it, I'm sure it would frighten me.”

“I used to say to myself, 'What the devil have you got to be proud about, Marilyn Monroe?' And I'd answer, 'Everything, everything,' and I'd walk slowly and turn my head slowly as if I were a queen.”

"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

"A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left."

"I am good, but not an angel. I do sin, but I am not the devil. I am just a small girl in a big world trying to find someone to love."

"I live to succeed, not to please you or anyone else."

"We are all of us stars, and we deserve to twinkle."

"Diamonds are a girls best friend."

"Who said nights were for sleep?"
Marilyn Monroe Vanity Fair Cover
Marilyn Monroe Vanity Fair Cover

"I'm pretty but I'm not beautiful."

"It's all make believe, isn't it."

"A man who can't handle me at my worst doesn't deserve me at me best."

"Sex is part of nature. I go along with nature."

"A sex symbol becomes a thing. I hate being a thing."

"Well behaved women rarely make history."

"I have too many fantasies to be a housewife.... I guess I am a fantasy."

 "If you can make a girl laugh, you can make her do anything."

"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world."

"Before marriage, a girl has to make love to a man to hold him. After marriage,
she has to hold him to make love to him."

"Beneath the makeup and behind the smile I am just a girl who wishes for the world." 

Marilyn Monroe Seven Year Itch
Marilyn Monroe Seven Year Itch
"Dreaming about being an actress, is more exciting then being one."

"I learned to walk as a baby and I haven't had a lesson since."

"I don't know who invented high heels, but all women owe him a lot!" 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Elvis Wearing an Elvis Tie?

Elvis Wearing an Elvis Necktie
Elvis styling, wow look at this! - he sure makes that necktie look good, doesn’t he? He actually never wore an Elvis necktie because these ties were not made until 10 years after he passed away. However he sure would have worn the novelty theme neckties with his image on them in the interest of goodwill and profit since the likeness of himself; illustrated on apparel commands royalties.

So how did Elvis wear this tie with his image on it then? - You might ask. It is simple; this is just some Photoshop trickery at hand however this art work actually started out as a big poster print of Elvis with a colorful Elvis tie simulated to look like it was ties around his neck. The selection of the tie design was not a great one as the poster was black and white but the tie wasn’t. As well his collar was not closed and the tie was just lying over his wrist not behind it. In other words it was a horrible, lame piece not worthy of any attention at all.

It is no wonder that he became such a heart throb that women fell for him without much effort on his part, save being himself. Elvis neckties have that powerful sex appeal creating quite an attraction for the ladies all by themselves. So if Elvis were to have worn one of these ties he would have been too much, too sexy, too charismatic, too irresistible and well – you get the idea. You may want to buy one for yourself to realize the effect that these ties have on babes first hand. In that case you better checkout our on-line retail store as they are no longer made and are out right Official Elvis Collector Items. Elvis ties at

And one more thing that the King may especially like here, besides the tie - is a warm honest show of fan appreciation. Since we know you cannot wait to visit our store, we’ll pay respects in advance of your stopping for a visit by saying, “Thank you, thank you very much.”