Sunday, June 15, 2014

He gave you life, give him a nice tie for Father's Day

He gave you life, give him a nice tie for Father's Day
He gave you life, give him a nice tie for Father's Day
"I gave you life and that was plenty."

When I was in my late teens my twin brother and I were giving our father a really hard time   concerning what he had provided for us.  We were not alone; about a half a dozen of our Miami Beach "the Miami Beach Golden Boys Surf Gang" were  with us that evening and my brother and I were nothing short of being ruthless with the old man.

"The Zukermans are driving Porsches, their father bought them race horses, and they are going to Ivy League Colleges.  You bailed out of our family when we were 13. What have you done for us?," my brother and I said with a vengeance.

All of us just staring at him waiting for a response.   We all knew that he was not just going to lay down  in defeat.  His head was a bit down, with a blank look on his face and watery eyes he seemed to be searching for the right answer.  After a couple of minutes he lifted his head and with a hint of pride he exclaimed "I gave you life and that was plenty."

With that the old man shut us down and made the point.  We are men and we make our world and our lives.  Not always does it work out that fathers are as well the parents that children expect.  Although they can at times let their siblings down they are still the givers of life.  So if you forgot about your father on Fathers Day you can always make up for that the day after or whenever you find the right words to say.