Saturday, November 3, 2012

Male Chauvinism and Ugly Ties at it's Greatest

In the 50's this was excepted and now this
would be a very un-politically correct magazine
ad for Van Heusen to say the least
Show her who's the boss, wear a Van Heusen tie?
What were these guys thinking.- maybe back in the 50's this marketing campaign made sense. Sure enough for Van Heusen to run with it. If anyone in the fashion world tried this now it would be suicide for sure. Times have surely changed regarding how women are perceived and what their roll in society was and is now. It is hard for me to imagine this chauvinistic mindset today.

By contrast I think of Martha Stewart in the full page magazine ads about 40 years ago for Virginia Slims Cigarettes. Her black eye accentuating her beauty along with the caption "I'd rather fight then switch, you've come a long way baby." That was only a decade removed from this advertising campaign pitching men's fashion neckties for Van Heusen, who was considered the top of men's fashion in his day.

As for the ties - necktie design has obviously come a long way also, if you care to check out the really ugly ties illustrated in this Van Heusen tie ad.   An old adage comes to mind in this instance, "beauty is in the mind of the beholder."   However that hardly seems capable of justifying anything regarding any mind full thought - just like this stupid insensitive ad campaign that demeaned women claiming that if you wore a Van Heusen necktie you would make your wife a submissive slave.

“It’s A Man’s World” And Ladies Are “So Happy It Is”

According to vintage Van Heusen, advertisements for neckties require a woman posed literally on her knees, serving breakfast in bed to her man as he relaxes with his arms behind his head, perfectly aligned in the "Massive Douche" pose. Yeah, well, those ties are ugly.

Here is a comical video that illustrates what apparently was the sentiment of many men regarding women around the same time that Van Heusen ran these advertisements.



  1. wowsers, those are some ugly ties. that may be besides the point of this post... but holy mackerel those are some ugly ties. except for that green one in the middle there. it's not unreminiscent of a pair of olives... once close friends... cousins, perhaps... now unable to escape a tragic generational fued... now their only contact is the deadly pimento lazer shards they fire reluctantly from their eyes...

  2. Van Heusen is the best brand, manufacturing wide range of clothing especially shirts. I like it's apparel line. Van Heusen Clothing is just the best.

  3. Really, it is an authentic sign of leaving best impression on her by Van Heusen. Van Heusen for Men is always a source of inspiring her.

  4. Those ties are ugly for some men, but some also find those ties cool. It's actually how you wear it that matters most -if it fits your clothes and your personality. There are men that can actually wear those ties with class, some even wear them as their company ties . Plus Van Heusen ties are one of the best brands that you had back in the 1950s.

  5. Nice Reviews.. Very comical video.. Van Heusen is the best brand for men..

  6. Nice Blog to See the new trends in Styling liked it so much
    Wanna have them for my friend.

    Van Heusen Ties


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