Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Why Jehovah’s Witness Men Wear Neckties

Jehovah's Witness Door to Door Minister
You have seen them for sure, those tireless guys that come to your door spreading the message of their religious beliefs.  The Jehovah's Witness men wear neckties when they conduct the door to door ministries which surely makes them unmistakable and at the very least non threatening.  With their New World Translation Holy Bible in hand and a briefcase with literature that helps explain the lessons and the truths about God and Jesus they knock on door after door after door with certain conviction.

My landlord is a Jehovah’s Witness, who along with his friends, visits me often.  These guys are most welcome in my home as I am like most people searching for answers and truths in this crazy world we find ourselves in.  I asked him the other day why he and his friend’s wear neckties when they hit the streets.   His answer was as not what I expected.  With great pride he answered quite exactly, The reason I wear a tie is because I am representative of the most highest creator of the universe, Jehovah God.”  I would have thought that the response would have been a bit simpler - like he just wanted to look respectful. I replied, "I thought that maybe you did not want to be mistaken for a vacuum cleaner salesman."    Of course I had to have a little fun with him.

Why Jevohvah's Witness Men Wear Ties 

At bible study, on Sundays at church, at minister school on Fridays and almost every other day the Jehovah’s Witness men wear a necktie.  As one of my landlords fellow ministers explained; in their heart they have to dignify the creator and as well show respect to those persons that they are so humbly enlightening.   I would imagine that they want to be as professional as possible about this and what better way to accomplish that than by wearing a necktie.  It is a serious mission they undertake and the last thing that a Jehovah’s Witness Minister wants, is to look like anything less than a gentlemen with integrity and good will.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Do you hate Suits and Ties

Image from "Do you wear a leash to work?"
Concerning wearing neckties - comment on May 22, "Cant stand suits or ties, I wont wear them even to interviews."  Our post on March 11, 2011 - Ties – Some Men Hate Them, Some Men Love Them

Once and a while I cross the line and become politcal in my opinions.  I am sorry if I offend anyone,  Jeffrey Hunter.

If you love neckties or not, you can apprectae this response.  And no, I do not wear a necktie every day.

My reply:   Everyone has the right to choose what they like or hate. That is what makes the world go around. That will always be, unless the Neo-Cons, the Illuminati, the Bushs, and their pals on Wall Street get their way with the New World Order. Then wearing a tie or not will not a be a big deal - because there will be no choice on anything and life will be basically a big joke.
Introduction to the Illuminati
The Coming New World Order
Video.New World Order

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Father's Day Gifts - Neckties Are Number One

It is an American tradition.  The necktie is the perfect gift for your father.  Buy you dad a Father's Day tie.  

Neckties are still the number one gift for Father's Day according to the United States Census Bureau.

Father’s Day was conceived by Sonora Dodd of Spokane, Wash. in 1909. While she listened to a Mother’s Day sermon she thought it was necessary to have a special day to honor her father, It was on June 19, 1910 for Sonora Dodd's father that a formal day for honoring William Smart, a widowed Civil War veteran who was left to raise his six children on a farm. June was chosen for the first Father’s Day celebration — proclaimed by Spokane’s mayor because it was the month of William Smart’s birth.

The first US government presidential proclamation honoring fathers was issued in 1966 when President Lyndon Johnson designated the third Sunday in June as Father’s Day. Father’s Day has been celebrated annually since 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed into law the third Sunday on June - Father's Day.

The statistics for Father's Day

  • There are 70.1 million fathers Estimated across the U.S.A. today.  
  • 60 nations around the world celebrate Father's Day on the third Sunday of June. 
  • Father's Day is the busiest day for collect telephone calls although there are more telephone calls over all on Mother's Day
  • In the U.S.A. there are 25.3 million of fathers who were part of married-couple families with children younger than 18 in 2010.
  •  22 % percent were raising three or more children younger than 18 (among married-couple family households only).
  •  3 % percent lived in someone else's home.
Source: America's Families and Living Arrangements http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/hh-fam.html

In 2010 there were 1.8 million single fathers;

·   15 % percent of single parents were men.
·   9 % were raising three or more children younger than 18.
·   46 % approximately were divorced, 30 percent were never married.
·   19 % were separated, and 6 percent were widowed.
·   39 % percent had an annual family income of $50,000 or more.
Source: America's Families and Living Arrangements http://www.census.gov/population/www/socdemo/hh-fam.html

·   An estimated 102 million Father’s Day cards expected to be given this year in the United States, making Father’s Day the fifth-largest card-sending occasion. (Source: Hallmark research)
·   50 % of all Father’s Day cards that are purchased specifically by sons and/or daughters. Nearly 20 % of Father’s Day cards are purchased by wives for their husbands; the remaining cards are bought for grandfathers, sons, brothers, uncles and “someone special.”
Source: Hallmark research

·   73% Percentage of Americans who plan to celebrate or acknowledge Father’s Day.
Source: Hallmark research and National Retail Federation.

Neckties lead the list of Father’s Day gifts. A good place to buy dad a tie or a shirt might be one of 9,189 men’s clothing stores around the country in 2003.

Other items high on the list of Father’s Day gifts include those items you may find in dad’s toolbox such as hammers, wrenches and screwdrivers. You could buy some of these items for dad at one of the nation’s 14,864 hardware stores or 5,795 home centers in 2003.

More than 68 million Americans participated at a barbecue in the last year — it’s probably safe to assume many of these barbecues took place on Father’s Day.
http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/2006/ 2006 edition, Table 1230

There are 8,111 men's clothing stores around the country (as of 2008), a good place to buy dad a tie or shirt.
Source: County Business Patterns http://www.census.gov/econ/cbp/

There are 16,010 hardware stores (as of 2008), a place to buy hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers and other items high on the list of Father's Day gifts. Additionally, there were 7,009 home centers across the country in 2008.
Source: County Business Patterns http://www.census.gov/econ/cbp/

There are 22,116 sporting goods stores in 2008. These stores are good places to purchase traditional gifts for dad, such as fishing rods and golf clubs.
Source: County Business Patterns http://www.census.gov/econ/cbp/

81.5 million Americans participated in barbecues in 2010 — it's probably safe to assume many of these barbecues took place on Father's Day.
Source: Mediamark Research & Intelligence, as cited in the Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2011 http://www.census.gov/compendia/statab/ Table 1239

The how, what, why and where of buying a ties for Father's Day gifts http://www.theholidayspot.com/fathersday/tie.htm

To buy a Father's Day necktie visit Nice Tie Store