Friday, October 15, 2010

Beer Neckties For Bartenders and Men Who Love Beer

Beer ties are fun to wear.

If you drink beer or you´re a bartender who wears neckties then these ties will hit the spot. Bankers, lawyers, school teachers may not get away with wearing a beer tie so easily. However, a waiter or food server, a barmaid, or just a regular guy can wear a beer tie.

So now you know how special you are; beer neckties are made just for you because you love beer. Go ahead make your banker or that lawyer across the bar jealous with envy. Having such fun wearing neckties is not for everyone, just for the proud and brave guys who love beer.

check out our food and restaurant neckties. Food Theme Neckties


  1. Nice composition though the theme itself is not very puzzling for me .I checked out your food ties and I love your paprika( red chilli tie ) and the coffee cups very much . The art ties are fantastic ones as well . Good luck to your necktie business . A fellow designer :
    Neckties I like

  2. I just landed on your site and I must admit I am laughing hard at your blog. Great stuff! Maybe I can sell some of your ties at my tie store.


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