Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Other Worlds of Fashion - A Love Story About Ties

A Love Story About Ties?   I just cannot resist.  A nice person commented about our Alien - UFO Necktie History post  found right here  Now, please understand I am not actually claiming that ties are from outer space exactly.

And I qoute "Who knew there was so much to know about neckties? All I know is I never learned how to tie one!" Anonymous

My reply:  "You would be surprised how much cool stuff goes into the world of fashion or in this case "other worlds of fashion."  If you want to learn how to tie a tie then please go to this page on our retail site."

But I will warn you that there is a facinating love story involved in learning how to make the Windsor Necktie Knot. Then you may think again, wow so much about a simple thing like a tie.  This is a true story, I swear.

click here - for a romantic story - learn how to tie a Windsor Tie Knot

Thanks for stopping by and please spread the word - Ties are really cool.

1 comment :

  1. It is a heart touching love story. There are many stories about bow tie I have heard. I suggest when buy Bow Tie (Köpa fluga) you must choose the best colour for your beloved. If you can do this never, miss your love’s smile for you.


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